The Essentials of Video Marketing for Ecommerce

Video marketing has successfully insinuated itself in almost every online experience and provides the perfect complement to content marketing. Regardless if the video is informative, comedic, or somewhere in between, videos are going to play a vital role in any brand’s future marketing strategy.

Demand Metric recently released a report that 70 percent of marketers are now using videos as part of their marketing strategies. Additionally, 82 percent of marketers surveyed indicated that video content marketing has proven successful when implemented. Given these figures, there is plenty of reasons to consider implementing video content marketing in your current marketing strategy. If you need any more proof of how essential video marketing has become to your marketing strategy, just check out the infographic below.

Video Marketing Infographic

Whether you’re going to implement video marketing in your current strategy or in the future, make sure to follow these essentials to make sure your video marketing achieves optimal success.

Identify Your Goals

Before you shoot your first take, begin by thinking about what you want to accomplish with your videos. Are you looking to boost awareness of one of your products or services? Are you trying to use the video to recruit talent? Or, are you trying to increase your brand awareness?

Whatever your goals are, make sure you define them so that you can accurately measure to see if your video marketing efforts have succeeded. Along with your goals you’re going to have to define what counts as a success? Is it how many times your video has been viewed? Or will it be based on an increased number of subscribers to your video channel?

Is It Relevant To Your Audience?

To ensure that your video is relevant, think about the audience you wish to reach when you’re developing your marketing strategy. Don’t overlook the opportunity to get creative in order to reach your audience.

It’s All About The Experience

Consider for a moment, that you’ve been confronted with something you’ve never heard of. Let’s say, you’re making a dish and it requires you to temper an egg. A cooking site or blog is your best friend right? Absolutely, but a video can really show you what the technique is used for and how to do it properly without scrambling the egg.

As Michael Litt, founder of VidYard says, “video is the next best thing to being in person.” That’s because it provides us with the feeling of being there and experiencing something first hand, even if, it’s still just a virtual experience.

Have A CTA

Regardless of how well your video is acted and produced, it may fail to yield the expected results if you don’t include a CTA (call-to-action). Think about the goals you defined for your video marketing strategy, how do you plan to achieve those goals? In order to achieve the most impact with your videos and in the process meeting your goals, including a call-to-action can help you maximize that impact. Make sure you include both a visual and audible call to action to help achieve this.

Distributing Your Video Marketing

Finally, when distributing your video, make sure to distribute it to the networks that will reach your target audience the best. Additionally, make sure that you don’t overlook social media, even B2B customers use YouTube and other social media platforms when doing research on products or services. Additionally, make sure the video is optimized for mobile viewing, as over 50 percent of internet traffic now comes from a mobile source.

What do you feel is essential to making your video marketing efforts a success? Need help getting your video marketing off the ground? Shoot us an email or give us a call, we’d be glad to discuss with you how to achieve your video marketing goals.

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