Why Website Design Is So Important for Mobile After COVID-19

mobile website design

The advent of COVID-19 on the world has changed the nature of people’s relationship with the Internet. Even before the pandemic, many people have been amazed by the universality of the Internet in our lives since the rise of smartphones. While most people didn’t imagine it possible, the web became even more central to our day-to-day life after COVID. Stuck at home, people found themselves using the web as a virtual office space for work as well as for most of their socialization with their friends. Since the pandemic has meant more time spent at home for many people, people have been using their smartphones more, even more than the increase in tablet, laptop and desktop use. With more people on their phones and the reality of a global increase in time spent online, companies need to ensure their website design is mobile friendly more than ever before.

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Why a Modern Website Design is Key to Your Digital Marketing

digital marketing

Too many companies pour intense amounts of time and resources into digital marketing efforts such as paid ads, blogging, social media marketing, and more when they don’t have the solid foundation that they need to excel. Any successful digital marketing strategy needs a responsive, well designed and fleshed out website to represent your brand. All the digital marketing tactics and strategizing in the world won’t be able to save you if customers stop engaging because your website design isn’t up to par.

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What’s New on the Mountain?

Mountain Media is proud to announce that we have expanded our data center resources and services to compete with the likes of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure (cloud computing service). We can now deliver full fault tolerance in not one but two separate tier-3 data centers synced via a 10Gbps (5ms) connection. We started with a refresh on all hardware and network gear, utilizing solid-state drives (SSDs), ultra-fast processors, RAM and network cards to deliver 10x the throughput of our prior data center; which was fast, stable and secure. Next we implemented the last versions of VMware vSphere Enterprise & Veeam Enterprise management platforms.

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Is This for the Customer or the Google Bot?

A customer of our’s asked the following question and I thought it would be a good topic for a blog post.

Question: “Is this featured product function for the customer or is this for the google bot?” He was asking if it is important to use the “related products feature” that is seen on many ecommerce sites.

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Featured Mountain Commerce Foundation Sites

Mountain Commerce Foundation

Mountain Media has recently launched a new version of our Mountain Commerce & Mountain Publisher platforms. The new version is called Mountain Commerce Foundation and is used for both eCommerce sites as well as non-eCommerce sites. The following is a list of websites that have recently been released on the new platform.

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